To Bulk Up Fast

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It is possible to bulk up more quickly by following a few simple tips. To build muscle faster, do not work in strength, that do useful exercises and use nutrition and supplements properly.

To gain muscle, increase muscle size faster, a few basic tips can be useful to help you.

Not seeking strength

If you are looking to gain muscle, do not try to gain strength. Take the force is not a good way to gain muscle. Do not focus on weight lifted, but on the muscles.

It should be understood that gain strength is different to gain muscle.

Series averages

This point is the point above. To Bulk Up Fast, do not make sets too short, so no work "heavy" use weights you can make sets of 10 repetitions minimum, and 15 to 20 repetitions maximum.

Supplements to gain muscle

Some basic supplements are helpful in building muscle in general, as whey protein or BCAA.

But if you want a more muscular, larger quickly, two other products can help you:

- Creatine: on the first day of taking the creatine produces a cell volumizing (often called water retention) which can take 2 to 3 kg and increase muscle size so fast.
- Precursor of NO: the precursor of nitric oxide supplements are based arginine that increase congestion, even without training.

No finishes

When trying to To Bulk Up Fast, we must try to gain muscle mass, on the large muscles, quickly and efficiently.

For this, we must not seek to finishes, not seeking to isolate the work on a particular portion of the muscle. For example for the pectorals, work hard, with the bench press or dips. Do not worry about
inclined bench press, dumbbell fly on.

These isolation exercises can be used to improve the appearance of some muscle but to increase the overall volume of the muscle, they are useless.

Carbohydrates and proteins

These two elements are essential.

Proteins are involved in building muscle without protein, the body can not produce muscle. Make sure you have between 1.5 and 2.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight every day.

Carbohydrates (whole family together sugars) can support a full aspect of muscle. Upon entering the muscles, carbohydrates carry with them a certain amount of water, which swells the muscles.

Do not train every day

Want to progress quickly often leads to wanting to do too much: too many sets, too much exercise and too many sessions.

This is a serious mistake, which can lead to overtraining and regression. In bodybuilding "more" is not "better". Too much training can lead to muscle wasting. So pay attention, wanting to gain muscle too fast, you risk rather than lose it.

Do not train every day, keep at least two rest days per week

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