Exercises To Lose Weight – What Most People Need

Many people are experiencing difficulty in maintaining a healthy lifestyle and a nice body shape. With all the “sinful” foods in the market today, eating comes so easy. Eating alone is not bad; however, what makes it unacceptable is the wrong eating habit. Most people eat just anything without thinking of its bad effects to the body. In such case, doing exercises to lose weight becomes very difficult.

Benefits of Regular Exercise

Any form of exercise is beneficial to every person regardless of age and body type. If a person wants to stay healthy and maintain a good physique, regular exercise is just one of the most effective ways to do.
Here are the main benefits of performing regular exercise:

1. Exercise controls weight. When a person is engaged in any exercise, the chance of gaining weight is less. This is possible because any form of exercise helps burn calories, which is one of the main reasons for weight gain.

2. Exercise can also boost energy. With physical activities, muscle strength increases and endurance greatly improve.

3. It also helps reduce, if not remove excess weight. Excess calories form into fats and when these calories are burned, the chance of developing excess weight is relatively low. For those, who want to maintain normal weight, regular exercise is a perfect activity.

Exercises Contributing to Weight Loss

Generally, any form of exercise is good for the body. However, there are specific exercises that target weight loss.

Here are they:

1. Walking – For beginners, walking is a good start. To start off, target a minimum of 30 minutes up to an hour of walk. Instead of taking the elevator, use your legs in climbing the stairs or just walk your way home. As days go by, increase the length of your walk to burn more calories.

2. Swimming – This is one of the simple and cheap exercises to lose weight. If you are overweight or have some joint problems, this is a good activity for you. As a start, you can swim for a minimum of 30 minutes and make it longer as you go along. For a 30-minute swim, a person may lose at least 250 calories.

3. Aerobic classes – This is just one of the several cardio vascular exercises to lose weight. This is a good way to burn excess fats and also gives a good feeling. In addition, doing aerobics improve heart function, burns calories fast, maintains good cholesterol levels, releases endorphins, and most importantly, help in cutting down some extra pounds. For beginners, you can start for a period of 20 minutes that can already lose a considerable amount of calories depending on your weight and period of time.

4. Boxing – This form of exercise may sound masculine, but it can also be done by women. Aside from losing weight, it is known to make the muscles toned and strong. In an hour, you can already lose 350-500 calories since both the upper and lower extremities move during boxing.

All these exercises to lose weight are proven effective and cater both men and women. If you want to have a healthy life, it is not yet too late. Start to exercise in your own ways and work your way up until you reach your desired goal.

Basic Full Body 3-Day Muscle Building Workout Plan

The best way to gain significant amounts of muscle mass is through the use of an effective muscle building workout plan. Training your muscles is what stimulates muscle growth, without proper training set in place there will be little muscle growth as your muscles will have no reason to grow.

This article will show you the best 3 day split workout routine for building the optimum amount of muscle mass in the shortest time possible. Here is the breakdown for each day:

Day 1 - Legs

The biggest muscle groups should be trained first. The legs are the biggest by far; compare the size of them to the size of your arms. This means they can lift very heavy weights and the biggest exercises should be selected to take advantage of this.

The best exercises for the legs are the large compound lifts that involve multi joint movements and allow for the heaviest weights to be lifted. These are: squats, stiff legged deadlifts and calf raises.

Perform each exercises for a maximum of 5 sets each and 8-12 reps (up to 25 for the calfs). Use the heaviest weight you can so that by the 5th set you can only just lift 8 reps worth.

Day 2 - Chest

Next is the chest. As the back muscles are related to some of the leg exercises more so than the chest, we will leave the back for the next workout. The chest exercises will also indirectly work the triceps and shoulders; this means you should workout these muscles too.

The best exercises are: Bench press, dips and shoulder press.

Again perform 5 sets or each for 8-12 reps. Lift the heaviest weights you can with the best form.

Day 3 - Back

The last day in the 3 day split will be your back, this will also workout you biceps. The best exercises for you back are: Deadlifts, barbell rows and chin ups.

Perform each exercise with the best form you can whilst using the heaviest weights.

You should leave one day between workouts to allow your body to recover from the previous workout. This will mean you are working the same muscles about every 5-7 days. Your abs will be indirectly worked out with the big compound lifts.

If you want to further develop them perform crunches and hanging leg raises after one of the workouts. Combine the above 3 day muscle building workout plan with a proper muscle gaining diet and you will see optimal gains.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ben_Pickering-Watson

How to Bulk Up and Increase Your Muscle Mass in 4 Weeks !!!

Bulking up is all about gaining as much muscle mass as you can in the shortest time possible. Through intense training and the intake of anabolic inducing foods you can pack on substantial amounts of muscle mass within only 4 weeks. Knowing what to do in order to gain this muscle can be tricky, this article will show you how to successfully bulk up in 4 weeks.

Eat anabolic foods and a lot of them

In order to gain weight and mainly muscle weight you must overload your body with high quality, muscle inducing foods. There are many so called healthy foods out there; all you want is the food that will add to your muscle gains and overall health. You must throw out all the junk that will give you no benefit and only eat the best foods for muscle growth.

The main food you must eat in order o gain any muscle weight is of course protein. Protein is the only macro nutrient your body can use to build new muscle tissue. Eat at least 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight.

The best sources of protein are chicken, eggs, beef, fish, milk and whey. Eat a combination of these throughout the 4 weeks. They all contain high amounts of quality protein and all have there own nutrient benefits, variety is key.

Eat plenty of healthy fats to boost your daily calories. Healthy fats will increase your energy levels and your anabolic hormone levels for even greater muscle gains.

Good fats to eat every day are avocados, olive oil, nuts, coconut products, dairy products, animal fats, fish oils. Supplement with fatty acids using cod liver oil and omega 3 tablets, as most people don't eat enough fatty fish every day. The extra omega 3's will elevate your testosterone levels greatly.

For carbohydrates all you need is mainly vegetables for their excellent nutrient content and some fruits.

Train intense and heavy

Training is what will stimulate muscle growth. It must be short intense sessions that stimulate the most muscle fibers. Then you can rest between workouts and grow in strength and size ready for the next workout.

To make the workouts intense aim to lift the most amount of overall weight in the shortest time possible. This means lifting for low reps and heavy weights. Big compound, multi joint exercises. Short rest periods between sets and exercises.

Workout every other day and try to only work the same muscle groups a maximum of twice a week. You must progress in each workout in order to continue muscle growth. Increase the intensity each week, through increasing the reps and weights.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ben_Pickering-Watson

A Workout and Diet Plan for Skinny Men - To Build Muscle Mass Fast

If you are tired of being underweight and skinny the best way to bulk up effectively without just gaining a load of fat is by following a set workout and diet plan. This plan will force your muscles to grow and fuel the weight gain with a bulking up diet.
Workout to increase your muscle mass
To gain muscle weight you must stimulate the muscles through the use of resistance training. To create the perfect workout plan there are a few points you need to incorporate into your regime:
- The workout must be intense: You must apply a large amount of stress upon you muscle fibres. This can be achieved by lifting more weight in less time. Lift the heaviest weights for low reps (5-7) with short rests between sets.
- The workout must progress: You must continually increase the intensity in order to continue the muscle growth week by week. This is known as progressive overload, where you usually increase the number of reps and the weight per workout.
- You must workout frequently: Workout every other day for the optimal growth. Workout different muscles on each day. One day can be legs, one chest and one back, etc.
- Rest frequently: Between your workouts is when your muscles recover and grow. Rest at least for a day between workouts and at least 5-7 days between the same workouts.
Eat to gain weight
To pack on the muscle mass and overall weight you must consume more calories than you are burning off every day. For optimal weight gain follow these steps:
- Calculate how many calories you need per day: Use one of the many calories formulas available, put in your statistics and get how many calories you need. Then add 500 to 1000 more onto this amount to give you the surplus in calories you need to gain weight.
- Eat plenty of protein: Eat protein with each meal. Aim for at least a gram of protein per pound of bodyweight. Eat high quality protein like eggs, beef, chicken, fish and milk.
- Eat plenty of healthy fats: Eating fats will add to your overall calories and will boost your anabolic hormones for increased muscle growth.
- Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables: Everyone knows the importance of them but never ends up eating any. Aim to eat at least 2 with each meal and get a variety for all the vitamin and mineral benefits - giving your body all the nutrients it needs to optimally grow.

Training Routine to Build Muscle

There is no perfect weight training routine, in my opinion. However, we can make it perfect if we are consistent with our program so that our body will adapt to it. Frequently you read that you should keep changing your routine every few weeks to "confuse" your muscles. For a lot of people, this is a mistake. There is no point in variety for the sake of variety. The best way to make absolutely no progress at all is to keep jumping around from one routine to the next.

I recommend a push-pull routine which encourages muscle growth and prevents over-training by grouping the muscles you train each day into categories based on their primary function. I also recommend combining routines such as a superset within a push-pull routine to develop a particular muscle group. If you have a decent "base" of muscle and want to improve certain muscle groups, then the push/pull/legs split is one of the most effective routines out there.

Blitzing your muscles with a lot of forced reps and descending sets (otherwise called drop set routines) might leave you feeling sore. There is no proven link between soreness and growth, and no rule that says you have to kill each muscle group in order to make it grow. It also leads to greater stress on the neuromuscular system, which only extends your recovery time. But this does not mean you will grow any faster. There's no single training frequency that will work equally well for everyone.

A beginner can train each muscle group more frequently than someone with a few years of training under their belt. This is mainly because they can not recruit as many muscle fibers in each workout, as they do not create as much muscle damage, and can recover more quickly. The longer you train, the more recovery time you will need. This is why a great routine for beginners is to train total body three times a week on alternate days.

The biggest secret to building muscle, is to keep getting stronger in the 5 to 15 repetition range on a few basic exercises for each major body part. Strength is a true indicator that you building more lean muscle.
All you need to increase muscle size and strength is a total of 30 to 100 repetitions per muscle group per workout, distributed across two or three exercises. It is not necessary to do more than 100 repetitions per muscle group, contrary to a lot of the training advice.

I would recommend most of your training should be done using heavy weights in the 5-8 repetition range. However if you want to increase muscle size, you should also include some higher rep (10-15) sets in your workouts. There are different ways to do this, for example doing sets (10-15) and short (30-60 seconds) rest periods to a couple of back-off sets at the end of a series of heavy sets. Even using light weight and slowing your reps down has been shown to help muscles grow (or time under tension).

Just work hard, be consistent and be patient!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lauren_Chadwick-Sonnen

The Right Balance of Nutrients To Build Muscle

Food is the necessary raw materials to create fuller muscled physique, and enough quantities in the proper proportions are essential, which is achieved through a correct muscle building diet. Knowledge of the basic pointers is essential when asking what to eat to gain muscle, and the various bodybuilding diet formulas have used them as the basis for their recommendations. What to eat to gain muscle and how to have the preliminary information for having a suitable muscle building diet therefore follows this.


Supply the body with sufficient amount of calories, more than enough for a person who is not on a bodybuilding diet. There must be fuel to keep it going while at the same time having more for growth. On the average, a minimum of 20 calories and a maximum of 22 calories are needed with every pound of the body during each workout period. During days of rest, this should be reduced to eighteen calories per body weight unit (pounds). The growth of lean muscles will be promoted, while the growth of fats will be stunted.


Protein is the basic building block of muscle. Knowing this, therefore, one will easily deduce what to eat to gain muscle. A muscle building diet requires more protein. For bodybuilders who want to know what to eat to gain muscle, protein intake must be two grams for every pound of weight. In a bodybuilding diet, it is safer to consume more than necessary than inadequately.

When choosing protein sources to supplement a bodybuilding diet, beef is very much recommended. It has good quality protein, containing saturated fats that elevates the amount of testosterone and optimizes growing of muscles. Beef also has zinc, iron as well as vitamin B complex, which are basic ingredients in a muscle building diet. Eggs are next in line when it comes to excellent protein sources in a muscle building diet. Three whole eggs as well as three egg whites every day will give a significant boost.

A bodybuilding diet is also incomplete without whey. A shake made of whey protein is an ideal in the morning. For breakfast, take a glass of this drink together with fruits to have an adequate dose of proteins, carbohydrate and natural sugar. It is a preferred muscle building diet breakfast due to the rapid supply of nutrients required by the body. Slow digesting foods such as oatmeal and eggs are ideal after an 30 minutes to an hour, as the next phase of breakfast in the muscle building diet. Before sleeping, remember to take in casein, cottage cheese or a similar food item for the nutrient requirement of the brain to prevent the catabolic breakdown of the muscular system.

Carbohydrates and Energy

Be aware of what to eat to gain muscle. Carbohydrates are also very essential in the muscle building diet. It supplies most of the necessary energy to increase muscle mass. Carbs stimulate anabolism, or the building up of tissue, and support proper muscle development in a muscle building diet. Two to three grams per day for every pound of weight must be taken in a muscle building diet. Consume slowly digested carbs half an hour prior to working out to have a slow and steady release of energy.